We're not sure if the holiday affected the outcome, but probably 200 or less people were there, so we were able to get right up to the stage. The night started off with a newer band from Kansas City called Starlit Platoon. They had a good sound and were pretty energetic.
Afterwards, a well-known Lincoln band called Remedy Drive played. This is a band made up of four brothers. I talked to one of them afterwards and they were just signed by Word records and plan to release their first CD next August.
Then came the highlight of the night - our boys' favorite band Pillar played. We were right by Noah (the guitar player) all night, and were able to watch him close up. Unfortunately the combination of low light and smoke from the smoke machines caused our concert photos to turn out really bad.
Afterwards, however, all 4 members of Pillar came out and talked with the audience. We spent probably 15 minutes talking with Noah, who showed us a few of his guitars and talked amps and gear. Rob (the singer) had his wife and new baby with him. Very cool.
I've included some photos of Josh & James with Noah.
And I thought MY hair was wild during my college years . . . . !
Don't let the dreadlocks fool you though. Noah was a SUPER nice guy. Very friendly and humble. We all had a great time, but I was ready for a little ear rest afterwards. I must be getting old . . . . . .