Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saying Hello . . .

Well, today was an exciting day in a number of ways. We had a mini family reunion on the Howard side of the family to celebrate Aunt Maxine's 75th birthday. Maxine is my dad's older sister (sorry Maxine - Dad paid me $50.00 to mention the "older" part). As with all of these events - a massive 3 hour picture taking sesssion ensued. It started off with some nice shots of Aunt Maxine with her favorite pipe . . . .

Ooops - wait a second, that was the wrong picture.....

Ah, here we go. Here's a much more flattering picture of Aunt Maxine with my dad and Uncle Bruce (her two kid brothers). Maxine always looks so much more attractive without the pipe and with her hair and makup done up nice.

Hard to believe that the lady in the picture is 75. I personally think there's a typo on the old birth certificate or something. On a side note, my Uncle Bruce (the one on the left) still runs 6-8 miles a day and runs 5K's on a regular basis. I, on the other hand, run to and from my car 3 times a day and eat Special K on a regular basis. Oh well . . . .

The other big highlight of the day was meeting my cousin Valerie for the first time. (Hence the title of post . . . .).

We had a great time talking and getting aquainted. Like her dad, Valerie is an avid runner (she's also competed in the Iron Man competition and lived to tell about it). In spite of my lack of athletic ability, we had plenty to talk about! It was great to finally get to meet her.

Also had a chance to see my other cousins. Although lighting was a bit of a challenge for picture taking, we got a nice group shot (except for cutting out part of Scott's head). Only missing piece was my brother Bill.

Note that I'm the only guy in the front row . . . . some things never change . . . . . . (an old Randy Newman song comes to mind here . . . ) .

All in all a great day. The Fremont Howards had a great time catching up with everyone and helping Maxine celebrate her 75th. Looking forward to doing this again!!

BTW - in case you're wondering, the first picture really isn't Aunt Maxine. It's a recent photo of Keith Richards during the last Rolling Stones tour . . . . . .


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