Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wise Guys (and Gals) from the East . . .

Well we've had an interesting week in our basement. We've had 2 sets of good friends visit over the last week.

On Monday, Dan & Carol Bongard visited on their way to Ft. Collins, Colorado. They are both part of Keynote Communications, the music ministry of Campus Crusade. Dan is killer bass player and Carol is a wonderful photographer (hopefully she never views my photos online . . . ).

Rehearsal in Studio B at Howard Studios - Take 7 of "Play That Funky Music"

Anyway, we grabbed a bass amp and set up some our gear and had a jam session with Josh, James, Dan & Dad. We played some worship tunes that we all knew, then things got a little silly and we ended up on a version "Play That Funky Music" by Wild Cherry (with about 25% of the original lyrics) and a good old college try at "Stars" by Switchfoot. We had a great time. Hope Dan did as well. Dad was lucky enough to be out of the camera's eye. We got some video of one song. If we can get it online, we may do so.

On Wednesday night, Dave & Kelle Fackler visited, along with their kids Tina and Andrew. Dave & Kelle are also with Keynote. Dave was the keyboard player/lead vocalist for Flashback. Dave is kind of a jack of all trades, master of most of them. Kelle is a flautist and just a generally great person to be around.

We hadn't seen Andrew since he was about 4 or so. He used to help set up drums & sound in Flashback. One of the cutest kids ever. As you can tell from the photo below, he's grown a little since then . . . .

Andrew Fackler playing his Garrison guitar

I think he got the pants from the leftover costumes from the movie "Castaway".

While we didn't have a jam session, we did get to hear Andrew play a little guitar & drums and caught a little singing from "the fam" as they were going to bed.

The ladies had a nice time talking (see photo below). As was always the case in the past, we had a great time listening to Dave's impressions and just goofing around and having a good time. It was also the first time we'd spent extended time with their daughter Tina, who is about Josh's age. We had fun getting to know her as well. The pictures of Dave & Tina didn't turn out too well (due to the photographer - not the subject matter) - we'll try some others soon.

Lora deep in thought as Kelle waxes eloquently about quantum physics and sub-atomic particles


jonij said...

i thought quantum physics and sub-atomic particles were YOUR specialty...

jonij said...

i see mere christianity is one of your favs... have we ever discussed lewis' space trilogy? if you haven't read them, you must! the chronicles actually made me cry...and that's no small task, as you know!
lewis is at the top of my "people i want to hang out with some day" list :)

Tim Howard said...

Don't know if we discussed it, but I think the first two books of the Space Trilogy are fantastic. The portrayal of evil (and Satan especially) is quite unique and thought-provoking. My 2nd favorite book of Lewis' is "The Great Divorce".