Monday, February 18, 2008

Here, there be music . . . . soon . . . . .

Well, we're finally close to finishing our "music room" which we've been working on (or should I say not working on very much) for the last 14 months. Over the weekend, the boys and I got all of the insulation in place.

To those we've mentioned the project to, I've included some pictures, and will offer some explanations as well. This should help some of you who've expressed an interest in doing the same.

The picture above shows the southwest corner of the room. The funny looking insulation is called "Sound Attenuation Fire Blankets". They are made of a wood by-product and have much greater sound dampening characteristics than normal insulation. In addition, as their name implies, they are VERY fire-resistant. They are however, murder to work with. They are very itchy and smell like sheep when you first put them up.

Here is a picture of the stuff, up close and personal:

We placed this stuff on of the inward facing walls between the ceiling joists. You'll also notice some steel strips in the first picture. These are RC (Resiliant Channel). They are tacked on the studs and the drywall is attached to it, and either not attached to the studs at all, or attached only at the points where the Resiliant Channel intersects with the drywall. This reduces contact points where sound can be transferred to the wall. (BTW - the first picture does not have all of hte RC in place).

We also placed R-24 fiberglass insulation below the Fire Attenuation Sound Blankets in the ceiling (going the opposite direction) to provide extra sound insulation. Because the ceiling had to be lowered, we put this right above the new ceiling (which is what you see in the picture). This also creates an acoustic "dead space" between the R-24 layer and the Fire Attenuation Sound Blankets in the ceiling joists.

Our next step is to get the drywallers in to finish the drywalling, then we paint. Our plan is to do at least two of the walls in EVH's "Frankenstrat" design. The other walls may be a Beatles wall or a music/instrument brand logo wall.

We'll keep ya posted and provide pictures when it's all done.


Anonymous said...

Hey! so glad to see your cool project. What will it look like when you're done? Is this a jam/recording room?

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Anonymous said...

Hey - I'm at work and just saw that Uncle Larry passed on. Wow. Friend of mine from college wrote an interesting tribute on his Facebook site - I'll work on getting the link to you...