Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tim Davis? Who Are You Really? . . .

Over the last month, our family has made a stunning discovery about a close friend. We now realize that we have had the wool pulled over our eyes for years. It is hard to believe we could have been so naive.

Before I proceed, you really need to examine the following two pictures closely. Please prepare yourself for a real shock.

First look at this picture, taken in the last year, at a fine, upscale restaurant in Lexington, Kentucky. Look VERY closely at the man on the far right in maroon T-Shirt. Does that face look familiar to you ? It should. Read on . . . .

Now, examine this next picture, taken by a private investigator near Washington D.C. Our suspect is the guy in the back with the hat, which he uses to keep you from looking at his hair more closely. Now imagine this guy in a flowered shirt and shorts. Imagine him with his true, naturally curly hair (which he's had straighted to hide his true identity) and a few years younger.

Are any bells going off yet? Hmmmmm.....

Supposedly, this man is "Tim Davis", a minister of sorts who claims to have gone to school in Kentucky and claims to be no older than say 40 or so. When "Tim" lived in Fremont, I always had this nagging voice in the back of my head saying that I knew him from somewhere before.

This last month, as we were watching a video together as a family, it finally dawned on me who this "Tim" really is . . . . .

Do these pictures from Tim's younger days ring a bell?

Can you say "Book 'em Danno"? Yes, back in his younger days, he used to go by the name of James MacArthur (one of his many aliases). As hard as it may be to accept, my friend "Tim" is none other than "Danno" (Danny) Williams of Hawaii Five-O fame. I'm sure this his new identify has been assumed to allow him a little peace and quiet in his personal life and to avoid the pesky autograph seekers and paparazzi who turned his life into a game of hide and seek.

He may have been hiding . . . . but we've been seeking . . . .

Yes, some plastic surgery, a change of hairstyle (to get rid of that natural curl), and a few touches here and there, and you can see how he almost pulled it off.

If you still don't believe me, rent some old episodes of Hawaii Five-O. Watch the facial expressions carefully. Watch the little lift of the lip as he talks. Note the rise and fall of voice as he speaks. Once you see it, you will have not doubts that Tim Davis is actully Danny "Danno" Williams.

The Cat is out of the Bag.

Can anyone say "Book 'em Timmo"


rebecca. said...

HA. Oh, oh, oh. So funny. Way to go, Tim.

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day today to Danno aka "Tim" by the way! (April 12th)

He looks pretty good for his age.


Howie, you are too funny.

Anonymous said...

So is this what happens to your eyes when you turn your stereo up to "eleven"?

Be sure to view my response!

Love you guys,
